Ilija standing (2007)

This sculpture is one of my favorites:
It is small but present,
it is nude, but aggressively confident,
it is walking, yet standing still
It is very much in balance like a classic Polykleitos sculpture.
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frontal view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
frontal lateral view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
lateral frontal view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
lateral view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
lateral dorsal view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
lateral dorsal view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
dorsal lateral view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
dorsal lateral view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
dorsal view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
dorsal view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
dorsal lateral view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
lateral dorsal view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
lateral dorsal view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
lateral view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
lateral frontal view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
frontal lateral view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
frontal lateral view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
frontal lateral view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
dorsal lateral view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure

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cranial frontal view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
cranial frontal lateral view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
cranial lateral frontal view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
cranial lateral view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
cranial lateral view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
cranial lateral dorsal view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
cranial dorsal lateral view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
cranial dorsal lateral view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
cranial dorsal view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
cranial dorsal lateral view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
cranial dorsal lateral view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
cranial lateral dorsal view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
cranial lateral view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
cranial lateral view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
cranial lateral frontal view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
cranial frontal lateral view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
cranial frontal lateral view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
cranial frontal view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure

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caudal lateral dorsal view of bronze sculpture of standing male nude figure
caudal dorsal lateral view of bronze sculpture of standing male nude figure
caudal dorsal view of bronze sculpture of standing male nude figure
caudal dorsal lateral view of bronze sculpture of standing male nude figure
caudal lateral dorsal view of bronze sculpture of standing male nude figure
caudal lateral view of bronze sculpture of standing male nude figure
caudal lateral frontal view of bronze sculpture of standing male nude figure

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caudal lateral dorsal view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
caudal dorsal view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
caudal dorsal lateral view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
caudal dorsal lateral view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
caudal lateral view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
caudal lateral frontal view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
caudal frontal lateral view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
caudal frontal view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
caudal frontal view of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure

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lateral frontal view of bust of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
frontal lateral view of bust of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
frontal view of bust of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
frontal lateral view of bust of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
lateral view of bust of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure
lateral view of trunk of bronze sculpture of male nude standing figure

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